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Heliotropium funkiae Feuillet, 2020

accepté comme Tournefortia bicolor Sw., 1788


Date de publication : Phytoneuron, 2020–12: 1. 2019 [18/01/2020].
Etymologie : The epithet honors Vicki Funk (1947–2019), specialist of the Compositae, former president of the IAPT, my former mentor at the Smithsonian Institution. I am missing our early morning discussions very much.
Type : Jamaïque, O.P. Swartz s.n. (LT: S).
Nom de remplacement pour Tournefortia bicolor Sw. 1788, dans le genre Heliotropium L. 1753 [non Heliotropium bicolor Hochst. & Steud., Unio Itin. no. 848. 1837].


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