Localité type : îles subantarctiques : "ÎLES KERGUELEN. GOLFE DU MORBIHAN, ÎLE AUSTRALIA: north-eastern coast of the southern part of the island, south of Anse
des Macrocystis, opposite Île Stoll over Passe de l’Aventure, on gentle slope at the foot of the highest cliff of the southern plateau in its northeastern part, lat. 49°27'48.6'' S, long. 69°52'33.8'' E; alt. 126 m; forming large extensive monospecific tufts on detritus and soil in Acaena magellanica community in dry, open and exposed situation; 20 December 2006, Ochyra 3066/06 (with Christophe Brumbt)
(Holotype: KRAM; isotypes: BM, H, KRAM, MO, NY, PC, S)."
Références :
Ochyra et al. (2014)