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Holopyga generosa (Förster, 1853)


Nomenclature : Holopyga generosa (Förster, 1853) [sensu Arens 2004]: The Holopyga needs a revision and current nomenclature could severely change in the future. It is currently preferable to use the name of H. generosa instead of H. fastuosa. The name H. fastuosa has mainly been use to designate H. generosa. The history of the name generosa is complex and could be subject of further changes in the future so we here follow the nomenclature of Arens (2004) which is currently followed by most authors. 
Taxonomie : Holopyga generosa est un complexe d'espèces en cours d'étude. Sa nomenclature va donc sensiblement changer dans le futur (Rosa comm. pers.)


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