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Parmentiera aculeata Seem., 1854 [nom. nud.]

accepté comme Parmentiera aculeata (Kunth) L.O.Williams, 1973


Date de publication : Bot. Voy. Herald, (5): 183. 1854 [07/1854, fide TL-2, 11601].
Description originale : The genus Parmentiera is composed of three species, P. edulis, De Cand., P. aculeata, Seem., both natives of Mexico, and P. cereifera, Seem.; they are middle-sized trees. The leaflets of the young plants are serrated, those of the old ones quite entire. The flowers are green or white, and, like those of most Crescentiaceae, grow out of the old wood. The fruit is cylindrical and fleshy, and the seeds not larger than lentils. The P. aculeata, Seem., is founded on a specimen in Hooker's Herbarium. It was collected by Schiede (No. 1207), and distributed under the name of Crescentia aculeata.
Type : Mexique, C.J.W. Schiede 1207 ("HT": K000450008 [ex hb. Hook.]).
Validité : Nom invalide, publié sans description!


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