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Vanilla gardneri Rolfe, 1895

accepté comme Vanilla chamissonis Klotzsch, 1846


Date de publication : Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew, 1895(104): 177-178. 1895 [08/1895, voir p. 169].
Description originale : 28. Vanilla Gardneri, Rolfe; caulibus crassiusculis, foliis subsessilibus oblongis obtusis crassiusculis, racemis crassiusculis brevibus, bracteis ovatis obtusis rigidis patentibus, sepalis petalisque lineari-lanceolatis subobtusis, labello oblongo subintegro obtuso submembranaceo nervo vix incrassato, disco subpubescente cristato, columna clavata, capsula ignota.
Vanilla planifolia. Gardn. in Hook. Lond. Journ. of Bot., I., p. 542, non Andr.1; Travels in Brazil, ed. 2, p. 2252
Habitat.— Brazil, in dry rocky bushy places, common, as on the Morra do Flamengo, near Rio, Gardner, n. 245! in moist places in the district of Parnagua, prov. Piauhy, Gardner, n. 2733! Natividade, prov. Goyaz, Gardner, n. 3149! Pernambuco, at Iguarassa; Ridley, Lea and Ramage! Burchell n. 894 from near Rio, and n. 9829 from San José da Laranjeira, Pará, may represent barren branches of the same. The latter is marked as "Bahunilha. Fructus teres, 4-5 poll."
Folio 3-5 poll. longa, 11/4-11/2 poll. lata. Racemi 11/2-3 poll. longi. Bracteae 3-5 lin. longae. Pedicelli 3/4-11/2 poll. longi. Sepala et petala 23/4 poll. longa. Labellum 21/2 poll. longum. Columna 11/2 poll. longa.
A species allied to Vanilla Pompona, Schiede, but with leaves about half the size, longer racemes with smaller not reflexed bracts, and rather smaller more membranaceous flowers. Gardner confounded it with V. planifolia, Andr., and remarked, "This is the plant which yields the Vanilla (Banilha of the Brazilians) in Brazil," (Hook. Lond. Journ. of Bot., I., p. 542) though unfortunately his specimens are without fruit. There are pods in the Kew Museum labelled "Brazilian or Bahia Vanilla," which are 51/2 inches long by fully 1 inch broad, fleshy, and distinctly triquetrous, and thus approaching those of V. Pompona, but with a rank odour. These are probably produced by the present species. "South American Vanilla" (Kew Bulletin, 1892, p. 214) may also have the same origin. They are described as from 61/2 mm to 71/2 inches long, quite broad and flattened, 1/2 inch or more wide, reddish-brown, and the odour rank, somewhat resembling fermented molasses or rum. As much as 9000 lbs. [c. 4000 kg] of the beans are said to have been produced in 1891, and it is suggested that it is most likely used as an adulterant of the Mexican cut beans. Flowering and fruit specimens of the commercial plants are required to settle these doubtful points.
Description originale : -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 Hook., London J. Bot., 1(10): [528-]542[-548]. 1842 [10/1842; voir aussi TL-2, 3008].
2 Gardner, Trav. Brazil, ed. 2: 225. 1849 [fide TL-2, 1951].
3 Rolfe, Bull. Misc. Inf. Kew, 1892(69): [212-]214[-215]. 1892 [09/1892, voir p. 191].
Distribution : Rio de Janeiro; signalée par confusion (au moins avec Vanilla phaeantha Rchb.f. 1865 & V. hostmannii Rolfe 1896) des états brésiliens de Minas Gerais, Pernambuco, Goiás, Piauí, Pará, et du Venezuela (Bolívar [pr. Icabarú, Trujillo & Martínez 21404, MO-028981], T.F. Amazonas [Río Cunucunuma, Río Capibara], Monagas) (Carnevali & Ramírez-Morillo in Berry et al. 2003, Funk et al. 2007, Soto Arenas & Cribb 2010, GBIF, Flora do Brasil 2020).
Taxonomie : Probablement synonyme de Vanilla chamissonis Klotzsch 1846 (G. Léotard obs. pers., 02/05/2020). D'après Soto Arenas & Cribb (Lankesteriana, 9(3): 376. 2010): "The entire, rhombic, subacute to obtuse lip of this species is very characteristic, and similar only to the Central American V. dressleri. It has also the thickened veins in the lip apex and the distichous arrangement of the basal bracts of the inflorescence characteristic of the V. hostmanii group. The species seem to be rare and we are basing our concept of this entity upon Hoehne´s published drawing1 and the lectotype [K000940258], since other materials are fragmentary or inadequate, and characters of the surface of sepals and ovary, typical of the V. hostmanii group, have not been examined. [...] The syntypes Ridley, Lea and Ramage s.n., Gardner 2733 and 3449 probably belong to V. bahiana, and are not conspecific with Gardner 245, selected here as the lectotype. Burchell 9828 has no flowers and the leaves are very different from the lectotype and it is doubfully conspecific with it.
Collections: BRAZIL: Glaziou 20709 (BM!)."
1 Brésil, Pará, Belém, Utinga, 13/12/1938, fleurs, F. Markgraf 3822 [= RB-39929], (RB00260219 [unicatum], tab. 15 in F.C. Hoehne, Fl. Brasil., 12(2): 1945 [Vanilla hostmannii Rolfe 1896, det. G. Léotard, 01/05/2020; V. gardneri Rolfe 1895, det. Hoehne 1944, conf. Soto Arenas in Soto & Cribb 2010]).
Type : Brésil, Rio de Janeiro, actuel centre-ville de Rio de Janeiro, Rio Comprido [probablement pr. 22.931279°S 43.209152°W, 50 m], bois, grimpant sur le tronc d'un vieil arbre, 11/1836, fleurs. Fleur sans odeur. Note: commune dans les bois autour de Rio, mais rarement en fleur (seulement deux trouvées). Etiquette originale: "245. Vanilla sp. Scentless. Climbing on the trunk of an old tree Rio Comprido. Common in the woods about Rio, but seldom found in flower. I could only obtain 2 flowers. nov. 1836". Hooker (London J. Bot., 1(10): [528-]542[-548]. 10/1842) indique (probablement sur des indications originales de Gardner): "in dry rocky bushy places, common, as on the Morra do Flamengo [= Morro da Viúva], near Rio". G. Gardner 245 (LT: K000463752 [ex hb. Hook.; sur Global plants; désigné par Soto Arenas & Cribb, Lankesteriana, 9(3): 376. 21/01/2010; Vanilla cf. chamissonis Klotzsch 1846, det. G. Léotard, 02/05/2020]).
Brésil, Piauí, distr. Parnaguá, lieux humides, 09/1839 [voir aussi Gardner, Trav. Brazil, ed. 2: 225. 1849], fleurs. Liane. G. Gardner 2733 (ST: K000463755 [ex hb. Hook.; sur Global plants; V. phaeantha Rchb.f. 1865, det. G. Léotard, 01/05/2020; V. bahiana, fide Soto Arenas in Soto Arenas & Cribb 2010]).
Brésil, Tocantins, Natividade, bois, 11/1839 [voir aussi Gardner, Trav. Brazil, ed. 2: 225. 1849], fleurs, G. Gardner 3149 (ST: K000463754 [ex hb. Hook.; sur Global plants; V. phaeantha Rchb.f. 1865, det. G. Léotard, 01/05/2020; V. bahiana, fide Soto Arenas in Soto Arenas & Cribb 2010]).
Type : Brésil, Pernambuco, Igarassu, 1887 [probablement entre juillet et octobre, voir Ridley, J. Linn. Soc., Bot., 27: 1-95. 1891], H.N. Ridley, T.S. Lea & G.A. Ramage s.n. (ST: K [V. bahiana, fide Soto Arenas in Soto Arenas & Cribb 2010]).
Autre matériel original:
Brésil, Rio de Janeiro, actuel centre-ville de Rio de Janeiro, le long de l'aqueduc de Carioca, entre le couvent Santa Teresa et l'endroit où il croise la crête en vue du Vale de Laranjeiras [probablement sur le flanc nord du Morro da Nova Cintra, pr. 22.926085°S 43.189639°W, 150 m], 15/09/1825 [voir L.B. Smith & R.C. Smith, Phytologia 14(8): 493. 1967], stérile, W.J. Burchell 894 (non type!: K000940258 [V. cf. chamissonis Klotzsch 1846, det. G. Léotard 01/05/2020; non V. gardneri Rolfe 1895, fide Soto Arenas in Soto Arenas & Cribb 2010]).
Brésil, Pará, Saõ José da Laranjeira [probablement environs immédiats de Belém do Pará], in sylvis scandens, 03/12/1829 [voir aussi L.B. Smith & R.C. Smith, Phytologia 14(8): 505. 1967], stérile. "Bahunilha. Fructus teres, 4-5 poll." W.J. Burchell 9829 (non type!: K000940257 [V. hostmannii Rolfe 1896, det. G. Léotard 01/05/2020; non V. gardneri Rolfe 1895, fide Soto Arenas in Soto Arenas & Cribb 2010]).
Brésil, origine inconnue [probablement Bahia], avant 1895, fruit. "Brazilian or Bahia Vanilla". Anonyme s.n. (non type!: K000463753 [ex Kew Museum; sur Global plants; V. cf. pompona Schiede 1829, det. R.A. Rolfe 29/05/1896, conf. G. Léotard, 01/05/2020; V. cf. gardneri Rolfe 1895, det. R.A. Rolfe, 08/1895]).


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