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Epidendrum auropurpureum Lindl., 1831 [nom. illeg. superfl.]

accepté comme Psychilis atropurpurea (Willd.) Sauleda, 1988


Date de publication : Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl., 2(4): 99-100. 1831 [07/1831, fide TL-2: 4643].
Description originale : 14. Epidendrum auropurpureum.
E. foliis in pseudobulbos ternis lanceolatis margine revolutis, scapo erecto multifloro, sepalis petalisque patentibus oblongis cuneatis subaequalibus bicoloribus, labelli tripartiti laciniis lateralibus parvis ovatis integris, intermediâ maximâ cuneatâ dilatatâ altè bilobâ.
Helleborine floribus auropurpureis. Plumier Mss. - atropurpureum. Sp. 9. ic. 178. f. 1. ed. Burmanni.
Epidendrum atropurpureum. Willd. no. 115.
Hab. in Hispaniola; Plumier.
Flores aurei apicibus purpureis, labello undique purpurascente, callo disci atrorubente; Plumier.
Plumier’s Mss. and descriptions appear, from the copy in Mr. Lambert’s Herbarium, to give a very clear account of this beautiful species; yet Burmann has, with his usual skill, converted the figure into a caricature and the name auro-purpureum, into atropurpureum.


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