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Epidendrum domesticum L., 1753

accepté comme Iris domestica (L.) Goldblatt & Mabb., 2005


Date de publication : Sp. Pl., 2: 952. 1753 [01/05/1753, fide TL-2, 4769].
Description originale : 2. Epidendrum (domesticum) caule scandente tereti subramoso, foliis lanceolatis, petalis lanceolatis. Act. ups. 1740. p. 37.
Angurêk warna. Kaempf. amoen. 867. t. 867 [Kaempf, Amoen. Exot. Fasc. 867-868, tab. p. 869, f.2. 1712 fide TL-2, 3483].
Habitat in Indiae orientalis Bataviae arboribus, parasitica.
Identification : Voir Garay, Harvard Pap. Bot., 2(1): [47-]49[-54]. 08/1997.
Type :
​The type of Epidendrum domesticum is a somewhat stylized illustration in Kaempfer (1712), whose description is apparently based on two completely different plants (Garay, 1997), one an or-
chid, probably a Cymbidium species, and Belamcanda chinensis

     Références : Goldblatt & Mabberley (2005)


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