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Lycopodiella caroliniana var. mesetarum B.Øllg., 2004

accepté comme Pseudolycopodiella meridionalis var. mesetarum (B.Øllg.) B.Øllg., 2020 [comb. inval.]


Source de la synonymie
Øllgaard, B., Boudrie, M. & Cremers, G. 2020. The Lycopodiaceae of Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana. Phytotaxa, 433(2): 101-134. [CD_REF = 948186] Pseudolycopodiella meridionalis var. mesetarum (B.Øllg.) B.Øllg., 2020 [comb. inval.]
Date de publication : Nordic J. Bot., 23(1): 39-40, f. 6a-b. 2004.
Description originale : Lycopodiella caroliniana (L.) Pichi Sermolli var. mesetarum B. Øllg. var. nov.
Type: Venezuela. Amazonas: Atabapo, Cerro Marahuaca, Huha. Cumbre altiplanicie no arbolada, más o menos plana, con piedras expuestas, río abajo, 3°40'N 65°30'W, 2580 m, 31 Jan 1982, Steyermark, J. A. et al. 125967 (AAU holotype)
Varietas nova a varietate meridionali (Underw. & Lloyd) B. Øllg. & P. G. Windisch differt foliis surculorum horizontalium subisophyllis fere aequilongis (non valde anisopyllis), foliis lateralibus quam dorsalibus vix duplo latioribus, lineari-subulatis ad anguste lanceolatis (non lanceolatis ad ovato-lanceolatis), foliis dorsalibus plerumque 4-5-seriatis (non 2-3-seriatis), linearibus ad lineari-subulatis (non lanceolatis ad lineari-lanceolatis). - Fig. 6.
This variety is somewhat intermediate between Lycopodiella iuliformis (Underw. & LLoyd) B. Øllg. and L. caroliniana (L.) Pic. Serm. var. meridionalis (Underw. & Lloyd) B. Øllg. & P. Windisch, in that the leaves of the creeping shoots are much less unequal than in the latter species, yet not isophyllous as in L. iuliformis. Both mentioned taxa occur in the region of the new variety.
The lateral leaves in var. meridionalis are lanceolate to broadly lanceolate or even ovate-lanceolate, whereas the lateral leaves of var. subisophylla are linear-subulate to lanceolate. Also the dorsal leaves are usually broader and often shorter in var. meridionalis, and they are usually borne in 2 or 3 ranks, whereas in var. mesetarum they are narrow and usually borne in 4 or 5 ranks between the lateral ones. Because of the slight overlap in characters varietal status is preferred for the new taxon.
Additional specimens: Venezuela. Amazonas: Atabapo, Cerro Marahuaca, summit on SE corner, 2700 m, Liesner, R. 24742 (AAU). Atabapo, Cerro Marahuaca, summit, 2660 m, Liesner, R. 25285 (AAU). Atabapo, Cerro Marahuaca, summit extreme NE, 2580-2600 m, Steyermark, J. A. & F. Delascio 129205 (AAU). Atabapo, Cerro Marahuaca, Atuhua-Shihi, 2450 m, Steyermark, J. A. & F. Delascio 126358 (AAU). Atabapo, Cerro Marahuaca, summit, extreme SE, 2800 m, Steyermark, J. A. & F. Delascio 129099 (AAU). Atabapo, Cerro Marahuaca, 2520-2650 m, Steyermark, J. A. & B. K. Holst 130691 (AAU). Bolívar: Piar, Macizo de Chimantá, Central NE sector of Chimantá-tepui, 2000 m, Steyermark, J. A. et al. 128145 (AAU). Piar, Aparaman-tepui, 2100 m, Holst, B. K. 3681 (AAU). Roscio, summit of Yuruaní-tepui, NNW of Cerro Kukenán, 2300 m, Huber, O. 9430 (AAU).
This variety is known only from the high tepuis in the Venezuelan Guianas, and all collections cited above are from open, wet habitats above 2000 m alt. The var. meridionalis seem restricted to much lower altitudes (0-1500 m) in the same region.


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