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Mormodes punctata Rolfe, 1891


Date de publication : Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 10: 696. 1891 [12/12/1891]. Voir aussi B.S. Williams, Orch.-Grow. Man. (ed. 7): 533. 1894 [06-07/1894, fide TL-2, 17731*].
Description originale : Mormodes punctatum, Rolfe, n. sp. - Pseudobulbs elongate, subfusiform. Leaves lanceolate, acute. Raceme erect, with several flowers. Bracts ovate-oblong, subobtuse, 4 lines long. Sepals suberect, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, light yellowish-brown, densely speckled with very dark brown, 11/3 inch long by 4 lines broad. Petals 6 lines broad, otherwise like sepals. Lip stalked, blade triangular, shortly and abruptly acuminate, sides reflexed or nearly revolute, lateral angles rounded; colour yellow, with numerous small chestnut spots. Column pale yellowish-white, densely and minutely spotted with light purple. Habitat unknown.
This is a new Mormodes, which has recently flowered in the collection of M. Gustave Bral, of Mont St. Amand, Gand, Belgium. Its origin is not certainly known, but it is believed to have been bought at one of the London sale-rooms some seven or eight years ago. The materials to hand are a pseudobulb, leaf, and part of the raceme, with three flowers. The pseudobulb is 31/2 inches long, but it is said to be the smallest on the plant, and the leaf is 91/2 inches long by 11/2 inches wide. The species is allied to M. Wendlandi, Rchb. f., but differs especially in its broader densely-spotted segments, and the shorter and less-acuminate lip. It is certainly attractive, and is the third novelty in Mormodes which has appeared during the last few months. R. A. Rolfe, Herbarium, Kew.
Distribution : Essentiellement cité du Panama (GBIF, Tropicos); également signalé de Bolivie (La Paz, yungas, R. Vásquez C. 2643, herb. Vásquez, LPB) par Vásquez et al. (in Jørgensen et al. 2014).
Orthographe : Publié comme "punctatum" orth. var., mais Mormodes est un genre féminin. D'après le Code (voir ICN Shenzhen, Art. 62.4), les genres se terminant en -odes sont à traiter comme féminin, quoi qu'ait été leur genre grammatical initial. A sa publication, Lindley avait déjà traité ce genre comme féminin.
Type : Origine inconnue, probablement acheté à Londres vers 1883-1884, cultivé par Gustave Bral (Mont St. Amand, Gand, Belgique), floraison en 1891 (HT: non localisé: K14566.000? perdu? non préparé?).
Panama, Coclé, Mesa de El Valle de Antón, 850 m, 10/10/1964, fleurs. Sepals suberect, oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, light yellowish brown, densely speckled with very dark brown, 11/3 in long by 4 lines broad. Petals 6 lines broad, otherwise like sepals. Edna Jackson s.n. (NT: LA00000307 [inédit?? désigné par???]).


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