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Mormodes revoluta Rolfe, 1909

accepté comme Mormodes warszewiczii Klotzsch, 1854


Date de publication : Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew, 1909(9): 367. 1909 [11/1909, fide p. de titre]. Voir aussi Rolfe, Bot. Mag., 137: t. 8390. 1911 [08/1911].
Orthographe : Publié comme "revolutum" orth. var., mais Mormodes est un genre féminin. D'après le Code (voir ICN Shenzhen, Art. 62.4), les genres se terminant en -odes sont à traiter comme féminin, quoi qu'ait été leur genre grammatical initial. A sa publication, Lindley avait déjà traité ce genre comme féminin.
Type : "337. Mormodes revolutum, Rolfe; [...] Peru. Moyobamba. Introduced by Messrs. Sander & Sons, and flowered in their nursery at St. Albans in July, 1909, a plant being afterwards acquired for Kew. The sepals and petals are deep buff yellow; the lip is reddish brown. The specific name is given in allusion to the strongly revolute margins of the lip."[protologue]. "The striking Mormodes here figured was introduced by Messrs. Sander & Sons, St. Albans, from Peru, where it had been obtained in the Moyobamba region by their collector, Mr. Forget. The species flowered for the first time in cultivation in July, 1909, at St. Albans, and was described from material supplied by Messrs. Sander, from whom a plant was thereafter acquired by purchase for the Kew collection. This plant, which has thriven well in an intermediate temperature, under the treatment most suitable for the allied genus Catasetum, flowered at Kew in January, 1910, and developed a much longer spike with a more strongly three-lobed lip than the plant on which the original description was based. The figure here published has been drawn from the plant at Kew, which flowered again in January, 1911." [Rolfe, Bot. Mag., 137: t. 8390. 08/1911].
Pérou, région de Moyobamba, collecté par M. Forget, cultivé par Sander & sons à St. Albans (Londres), 07/1909 (HT: non préparé?; CT [illustration du même individu, achetée par et cultivée à Kew, fleurissant en 01/1911]: t. 8390 in Rolfe, Bot. Mag., 137: 08/1911).


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