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Mormodes buccinator var. theiochlora Rchb.f., 1881

accepté comme Mormodes theiochlora (Rchb.f.) Salazar, 1994


Date de publication : Gard. Chron., n.s., 15: 428. 1881 [02/04/1881].
Description originale : Mormodes buccinator (Lindl.) theiochlorum, n. var.
This is a very nice variety of this varibale species. It has light green sepals and petals, a sulphur-coloured lip, and a white column. It was purchased by Mr. J. Day at one of the Stevensian sales, with Mormodes buccinator var. major; hence it is of Neo-Grenadian origin, and was collected by Mr. Schmidtchen for Mr. Fred. Sander. H. G. Rchb. f.
Type : Colombie, collecté par Schmidtchen (employé de F. Sander), acheté à Stevens, cultivé par J. Day.


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