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Mormodes buccinator var. major Rchb.f., 1880

accepté comme Mormodes theiochlora (Rchb.f.) Salazar, 1994


Date de publication : Gard. Chron., n.s., 14: 358. 1880 [18/09/1880].
Description originale : Mormodes buccinator (Lindl.) major, n. var.
I propose this name for a curious variety gathered, sketched, and dried (!) near Medellin, in New Granada, by my countryman, Mr. Schmidtchen, one of Mr. Sander's numerous collectors. It came under the hammer in Mr. Stevens' rooms, Feb. 19, 1880. It has flowers larger than those of the common Mormodes buccinator, but in colour it is just like the marmorata variety-viz., ochre-coloured, with numerous cinnamon small dots, the lip with only few and obscure pallid marks on the sides. The extraordinary diagnostic features are the longer bulb and the very long peduncle. I learn from Mr. Day that his plant bears a peduncle 22 inches long, having six flowers standing from 1 inch to 11/2 and 13/4 inch apart. Both Mr. Schmidtchen's specimen and sketch show similar proportions. Mormodes buccinator, Lindl., being well known as the most polychromatic Orchid of the world, and as variable in shape, I prefer to leave this as a variety. H. G. Rchb. f.
Type : Colombie, Medellin, collecté par Schmidtchen (employé de Sander), cultivé par Stevens, 19/02/1880 (HT: W-R).


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