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Mormodes vernixia Rchb.f., 1887


Date de publication : Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 2: 682. 1887 [03/12/1887].
Description originale : Mormodes vernixium, n. sp. - Aff. Mormodi buccinatori, Lindl.: racemo denso; sepalis tepalisque oblongatis angulis acutis; labelli lamina transversa elliptica medio antice porrecta subquadrata cum apiculato, glabra. Ex Roraima (Guiana), imp. ex F. Sander. H. G. Rchb. f.
This was introduced from Roraima by Mr. F. Sander. Its inflorescence may be well compared with that of Mormodes buccinator, inasmuch as the flowers are in a close raceme. The expanded lip has quite the shape of that of Mormodes variabilis, but there are no hairs on it, and that species has a long and lax inflorescence. The flowers of vernixium are equal to those of a good Mormodes buccinator, and of an almost blackish black-purple. The sepals and petals are broad and shining, as if varnished. The lip has its mid-line a little lighter, with blackish-purple spots, whilst the remaining portions are like the sepals and petals. The column is just as twisted as we expect it to be in a Mormodes. It is light mauve-purple, with numerous dark spots. The lip is hairless, as stated above, and the central part in the top is retuse, with an apiculus, and is protracted with a fold each side, just as in M. variabilis. H. G. Rchb. f.
Distribution : (GBIF). Espèce signalée du Guyana avec doutes ("GU?") par R. Jenny dans la Checklist des plantes des Guyanes (Boggan et al. 1992; Boggan et al. 1997; Funk et al. 2007). Egalement signalé récemment du Brownsberg (NE Suriname): H.G.Hills 87137, cult. Marie Selby Bot. Gard. (FLAS-181663).
Orthographe : Publié comme "vernixium" orth. var., mais Mormodes est un genre féminin. D'après le Code (voir ICN Shenzhen, Art. 62.4), les genres se terminant en -odes sont à traiter comme féminin, quoi qu'ait été leur genre grammatical initial. A sa publication, Lindley avait déjà traité ce genre comme féminin.
Type : Guyana, Roraima, importé par F. Sander.


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