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Cyrtopodium cardiochilum Lindl., 1849

accepté comme Cyrtopodium glutiniferum Raddi, 1823


Date de publication : J. Hort. Soc. London, 4: 266. 1849.
Description originale : 9. Cyrtopodium cardiochilum.
C. cardiochilum; racemo multifloro, bracteis ovato-oblongis membranaceis unicoloribus, sepalis petalisque oblongis obtusiusculis his (immaculatis) basi angustatis, labelli sessilis cordati trilobi lobo intermedio cordato rotundato margine tenui subplicato lateralibus acinaciformibus erectis, crista pulvinata serie quintuplici verrucosa.
Native country, -.
This beautiful plant exists in gardens as a variety of either C. Andersonii or punctatum, from both of which it is perfectly distinct. The flowers are large and yellow like the first, and they are slightly speckled with crimson like the second; but there the resemblance ends. At the base of the lip is to be found a convex warted crest unknown in C. Andersonii, and at the end of the lip there is no trace of the tubercles so conspicuous on the edge, of C. punctatum. The specimen from which the foregoing definition has been prepared was sent me by R. Hanbury, Esq., in August, 1847.
Distribution : Inconnue (Romero-González et al., Harvard Pap. Bot., 13(1): 194. 2008). Cité des savanes côtières du Suriname [sub Cyrtopodium andersonii var. cardiochilum (Lindl.) Cogn. 1901 (1) arenosis prope Klein-Frederiksdorf, H.A.H. Kegel 1089, GOET013920, GOET013921; (2) Joden savanna, H.R. Wullschlägel 1124, GOET013921] par confusion (avec C. cristatum Lindl. 1841?) par Cogniaux (Fl. Bras., 3(5): 363-364. 1901) et Werkhoven (1986).
Taxonomie : "The species is markedly similar to Cyrtopodium glutiniferum Raddi and the two taxa may prove to be conspecific." (Romero-González et al., Harvard Pap. Bot., 13(1): 194. 2008).
Type : Origin unknown. Ex Hort. R. Hanbury (K-Lindl.).


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