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Zygopetalum venustum Ridl., 1887 [nom. illeg. superfl.]

accepté comme Otostylis alba (Ridl.) Summerh., 1951


Date de publication : in D. Oliver, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot., ser. 2, 2(13): [271-]283[-300], t. 47. 1887 [07/1887, fide p. de titre].​ Voir aussi E.F. im Thurn, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot., ser. 2, 2(13): 249-270. 1887 [07/1887, fide p. de titre; lu le 15/04/1886, fide p. 249].​
Au sujet des dates de publications des deux noms en concurrence voir la note p. 270: "[Note. - The following determinations and descriptions of new plants were expressly drawn up for publication in the ‘ Transactions of the Linnean Society,’ a confidential copy being given to Mr. E. F. im Thurn to help him in writing the foregoing Introduction. During the delay required to prepare the accompanying Plates, Mr. im Thurn has taken the unprecedented course of printing the whole of the unrevised draft, at Demerara, in ‘Timehri, the Journal of the Royal Agricultural and Commercial Society of British Guiana,’ vol. v. pp. 145-223 (Dec. 1886), thus forestalling the present publication.— Sec. L. S.]"​
Description originale : ​360. Zygopetalum venustum, Ridley, n. sp. (Plate XLVII. figs. 1-6.) Planta caespitosa, pseudobulbis nullis. Folia bina, evoluta, lanceolata acuta, basi attenuata, subcoriacea, costis tribus elevatis in dorso, 7 ad 8 uncias longa, 5/8 lata. Scapus lateralis erectus, 13 uncias longus, vaginis 2-3, apicibus obtusis, amplexis, paullo ampliatis remotis. Racemus laxus, 10-florus. Flores mediocres, unciam longi et lati. Bracteae pedicellis multo breviores, cylindricae, ovatae, acutae, inferiores vaginantes. Pedicelli 1/2unciam longi. Sepala ovata, lanceolata, subacuta patula. Petala subsimilia, obtusiora et angustiora. Labellum integrum, mentum plicatum, lamina rhomboidea, obtusa, lata. Columna brevis crassiuscula, alis magnis obtusis falcatulis, apicibus curvis. Anthera subconica. Stigma semilunare.
Kookenaam River, 3000 ft.
There is a figure of what seems to be the same species in the drawings made by Schomburgk, preserved in the British Museum. It was obtained at Takootoo, and is represented as having white flowers, with the base of the lip and the mentum yellow and a few faint purple stains towards the apex of the lip, and purple streaks on the face of the column. The fruit is deflexed, oblong in shape. In the absence of a distinct pseudobulb, this plant differs from the rest of the genus, but the flowers are exactly those of Zygopetalum.​


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