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Pleurothallis parvilabia C.Schweinf., 1962

accepté comme Myoxanthus parvilabius (C.Schweinf.) Luer, 1982


Date de publication : Bot. Mus. Leafl., 20: 14-16, pl. 5. 1962.
Type : "This plant has two allied species which are especially similar in vegetative characters. It differs from Pleurothallis frutex Schltr. in all of the floral segments and from P. hystrix Reichb.f. in the shape of the petals and lip.
British Guiana: Serra Acarai, on rocky hill top, 7 miles east of Onoro, epiphytic on low tree, about 4 feet from the ground, October 2, 1952, Forestry Department, Field No. G 340, Record No. 7316 (Type in N.Y. Botanical Garden)." [protologue].
Guyana, Serra Acarai, on rocky hill top, 7 miles east of Onoro, epiphytic on low tree, about 4 feet from the ground, 02/10/1952, F.D. 7316 [J.W. Gonggrijp 340] (HT: NY00009236; IT: AMES00074592).


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