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Pseudoanthidium leucostoma (A. Costa, 1883)

accepté comme Pseudoanthidium stigmaticorne (Dours, 1873)


Statut biogéographique :

-          Pseudoanthidium leucostoma (A. Costa, 1883): Signalée par Ferton (1908).

Le statut spécifique de ce taxon a été confirmé par Nobile (1995). Ce travail ne semble pas avoir été diffusé dans la communauté internationale et a été omis dans la quasi-totalité des référentiels ou travaux de synthèse modernes (e.g. Rasmont et al. 2017). Il a été décrit de Sardaigne puis signalé de Corse par Ferton (1908), mention reprise dans la synthèse de Comba (2019), catalogue et référentiel taxonomique italien en ligne. 
     Références : Comba (2019) , Rasmont et al. (2017)
Synonymie : Litman et al. 2021 : "Costa described Stelis leucostoma from Sardinia (Costa, 1883). Warncke (1980), Rasmont et al. (1995), Přidal (2004) and Ornosa et al. (2008) each placed S. leucostoma in synonymy with P. nanum (as either Anthidium lituratum or Pseuodanthidium lituratum). However, Nobile (1995) considered this taxon a distinct species. Nobile noted that his decision to assign this name to this particular taxon was based on Costa’s original description of Stelis leucostoma but he gives no indication of having examined the type series. Nobile illustrated the male gonostylus and sterna of a specimen collected close to Nuoro (Sardinia); this specimen, as well as others that we have examined from Sardinia, agree with our concept of P. stigmaticorne. At the present time we place Stelis leucostoma in synonymy with P. stigmaticorne. However, both P. stigmaticorne and P. nanum are known from Sardinia, and Costa’s description of Stelis leucostoma is suggestive of both. Costa’s type series must thus be examined to determine whether the name Stelis leucostoma refers to the taxon that we refer to as P. stigmaticorne or to another."
     Références : Litman et al. (2021)


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