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Euphorbia pinifolia Lam., 1788

accepté comme Euphorbia esula L., 1753


Source de la synonymie
Tison, J.-M. & de Foucault, B. [coord.] 2014. Flora Gallica. Flore de France. Biotope Éditions, Mèze. xx + 1196 pp. : 703 [CD_REF = 134372] Euphorbia esula subsp. saratoi (Ardoino) P.Fourn., 1936
Lectotype : Lectotypus designatus per Molero & Rovira (1993): fragment of the specimen from the lower left hand corner, alongside a handwritten label in Lamarck’s writing which reads: «euphorbia pinifolia / lam. dict. / au euphorbia esula Lin / tithymalus foliis pini, forte dioscoridi phytiusa / bauh. p. 292» (P-LA, photo!).
     Références : Reichert et al. (2018)


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