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Pleurothallis spectrilinguis Rchb.f., 1882

accepté comme Specklinia alata (A.Rich. & Galeotti) Solano & Soto Arenas, 2003


Date de publication : Gard. Chron., n.s., 18(458): 457. 1882 [07/10/1882]
Description originale : Pleurothallis spectrilinguis, nov. sp. - (Apodae caespitosae). Folia spatulato parvulo; inflorescentia tenui corymbosa scopiformi; sepalis oblongis caudatis dorso carinatis; tepalis lanceis crenatis triplo minoribus; labelli trifidi laciniis lateralibus triangulis curvatis retrorsis antice incumbentibus, lacinia antica elliptica lacero-fimbriata; columna arcuata gracili superne dilatata. H. G. Rchb. f.
This is allied to the species that bears the name of that distinguished orchidist, Mr. John Barber, of Old Hall, Spondon, [Pleurothallis barberiana Rchb.f. 1881 ≡ Muscarella barberiana (Rchb.f.) Szlach. & Sawicka 2012] but is smaller and has another kind of inflorescence. The spatulate leaves reach scarcely an inch in length and are rather narrow. The thin peduncle bears nearly a dozen of flowers at its top, which might be colled corymbose, the pedicels being long and unequal. The hyaline, triangular, cuspidate, 1-nerved. Lip dark olive-greenish-brown, with basilar retrorse horns and a fimbriate anterior elliptical blade. I had this fine gem from Mr. James O'Brien, West Street, Harrow-on-the-Hill. H. G. Rchb. f.
Type : Origine inconnue, cultivée au jardin botanique de Hambourg, reçu en 13 de Mr. James O'Brien s.n. (HT: W [n.v.; fide Luer, Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard., 105: 112. 2006]).


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