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Stelis subg. Physosiphon (Lindl.) Karremans, 2019


Source de la synonymie (de Lomax Luer, 2006)
Karremans, A. 2019. To be, or not to be a Stelis; Lankesteriana, 19(3): 281-343. [CD_REF = 937098] Stelis subg. Physosiphon (Lindl.) Karremans, 2019
Source de la synonymie (de Physosiphon Lindl., 1835)
Karremans, A. 2019. To be, or not to be a Stelis; Lankesteriana, 19(3): 281-343. [CD_REF = 937098] Stelis subg. Physosiphon (Lindl.) Karremans, 2019
Source de la synonymie (de Pleurothallis subg. Physosiphon (Lindl.) Luer, 1986)
Karremans, A. 2019. To be, or not to be a Stelis; Lankesteriana, 19(3): 281-343. [CD_REF = 937098] Stelis subg. Physosiphon (Lindl.) Karremans, 2019


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