Distribution : (1) Yungas et Amazonie occidentale: Bolivie (Cochabamba [Chapare], La Paz [Sud Yungas]), Pérou (Junín, Huánuco, San Martín), Equateur (Imbabura, Morona-Santiago, Napo, Pastaza), Colombie; (2) Ouest et centre des Guyanes: Amazonas, Roraima, Bolívar [Río Paragua], Delta Amacuro [Serranía de Imataca], Guyana; (3) Trinidad et cordillère côtière (Caracas, Miranda, Sucre [Cerro Patao]) (G.A. Romero-González 2003,
Flora do Brasil 2020).
Statut biogéographique : Espèce citée de Guyane française par A. Lemée (Fl. Guyan. franç., 3: 442-443. 1954) sur la base de Flora Brasiliensis ("Guy. franç. (Fl. du Brésil)"), où A. Cogniaux (Fl. Bras., 3(5):
t. 119.2. 15/12/1902, fide TL-2,
1156) cite en réalité cette espèce du Guyana (et non de Guyane française!) ["Guiana anglica supra arbores ad Demerara: Parker; in ins. Trinitatis: Dr. Bradford, Hart; in Venezuelae prov. Caracas altit. 2000 m.: Schlim n. 1045, Wagener. In Brasilia septentrionali forsan adhuc invenienda"]. La donnée de Lemée est reprise sans analyse critique par Cremers & Hoff (1992).
Type : "Whether or not the genus
Maxillaria is well limited as it is at present understood is uncertain; nor, till a larger number of species shall have been accurately examined, will it be safe to arrive at any conclusion upon the subject. The value of the numerous modifications of the pollen masses and glandular apparatus is, in particular, still to ba ascertained. But, in the meanwhile, there is one character at least, without which it may be safely asserted that no plant can be a
Maxillaria; namely, a labellum attached to the column by a moveable joint, or, as we technically say, articulated with the column. This is found in every true
Maxillaria, and therefore I have no hesitation in separating from it a Demerara plant which flowered lately with Mr. Barker at Birmingham, in which this character is wanting. It may be called
Stenia in allusion to the singular narrowness of the pollen masses.
Stenia. [...] 1.
Stenia pallida. Bot. reg. ic. ined." [protologue].
"A rather pretty epiphyte, imported from Demerara by Mr. Barker of Birmingham, in whose very extensive collection of Orchidaceous plants, this drawing was made last August." [Lindl., Edwards's Bot. Reg., 24:
t. 20. 01/04/1838].
Guyana ["Demerara"], cultivé à Birmingham par Mr. Barker, 08/1837, fleurs (HT: ?; illustration originale:
t. 20 in Edwards's Bot. Reg., 24. 01/04/1838).