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Byrsonima surinamensis W.R.Anderson, 1982


Date de publication : Contr. Univ. Michigan Herb., 15: 113-114, f. 4g-l. 1982.
Distribution : Actuellement connue seulement du Suriname: Monts Nassau, monts Lely, Brownsberg, monts Bakhuis, haute Kabalebo (Dalbergberg) (GBIF), mais présence en Guyane française hautement probable (à rechercher notamment sur montagne Française et Abattis Kotika).
Type : Suriname, Lely Mountains (175 kms SSE of Paramaribo), E slope of plateau no.1, 500-700 m, 10/10/1976, fruits. Tree, 17m x 30cm. Bark brown with distinct vertical fissures. Two guans seen in tree but not observed to eat fruit. S. Mori & A. Bolten 8437 (HT: MICH1102131; IT: GH00045072, K000187050, MO-251724, NY00055596, P02428645, US00108737, V0360225F, VEN407014).
Suriname, Lely Moutains, SW plateaus covered by ferrobauxite between 550 and 710 m, plateau 5, along base line, low savanna-like forest on ferrite, 30/09/1975, fleurs. Tree, 15 cm diam., 6 m tall, leaves waxy green grey beneath, petals pink, calyx more reddish. J.C. Lindeman, A.L. Stoffers, A.R.A. Görts-van Rijn & M.J. Jansen-Jacobs 597 (PT: MO, NY, P04871626, V0221419F).
Suriname, Nassau Moutains, svanna forest near km 11.6, 16/03, stérile. Lanjouw & J.C. Lindeman 2737 (PT: IAN).


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