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Byrsonima incarnata Sandwith, 1943


Date de publication : J. Arnold Arbor., 24: 221-222. 1943.
Distribution : Guyana et Amazonie brésilienne (Roraima, Amazonas, Rondônia?) (GBIF).
Statut biogéographique : Espèce signalée récemment en Guyane française: Petites montagnes Tortue, un individu sur une colline à l'ouest du massif, 362467 478070 [easting & northing UTM], 130 m, 31/08-11/09/2015, fleurs, H. Richard & J. Aténi 772 (CAY [voir aussi détails et photo dans le rapport de mission de l'ONF de janvier 2016]). Espèce appartenant à un groupe complexe, identité de la plante des montagnes Tortue douteuse, à vérifier!
Type : "British Guiana: Moraballi Creek, Essequibo River, in greenheart forest on brown loam, Oct. 13, 1938, Fanshawe in Forest Dept. 2737 (Typus); Bartica-Potaro road, near 14th milepost, in wallaba forest on white sand, Aug. 19, 1937, Sandwith 1145. Each of the trees from which these collections were made was about 50 ft. high and 4 inches in diameter. The calyx is pale olive or brown, with waxy vermilion lands, while the petals are pale pink or white with a tinge of pink." [protologue].
Guyana, Moraballi creek (Essequibo), Greenheart forest on brown loam, 13/10/1938, fleurs. 50' tree 4'' diam. Paired glands of fls. rose-pink, waxy. Calyx scarious pale-brown. Corolla lobes revolute, clawed lip convex, frilled, pale pink. Fl. pedicels, & calyx softly hairy. Hicha type. D.B. Fanshawe 128 [F.D.-2737] (HT: K000187053 [sur Global plants], K000253640 [sur Global plants]).
Guyana, Bartica-Potaro road, near 14th milepost, Wallaba forest on white sand, 19/08/1937, Sandwith 1145 (PT: K).


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