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Najas affinis Rendle, 1900

accepté comme Najas microcarpa K.Schum., 1894


Date de publication : Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot., 5: 440-441. 1899 [10/1900, fide IPNI].
Type : "4*. Najas affinis, sp. nov. [...] Closely allied to N. Welwitschii, Rendle, from which it is distinguished by a less lax habit, the tuft-like densely leaved terminal branchlets, the more regularly toothed spreading firmer leaves, fimbriate leaf-sheath, and the pair of terminal outgrowths on the female spathe. Described from a plant in Herb. Cosson (Paris), collected by Leprieur; no locality is given, but it is doubtless from Senegal." [protologue].
Guyane française [et non Sénégal!], 1850, F.M.R. Leprieur, (HT: P00461521 [ex hb. Cosson; "verisimiliter e Senegalensi"; Najas affinis Rendle, det. A.B. Rendle, 19/05/1900]; IT: P02080381 ["Guyane française. M. Leprieur, 1850." Najas conferta A.Br., det. anon., s.d.]).


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