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Dichodon (Bartl. ex Rchb.) Rchb., 1841


Description originale : Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, glabrous or often glandular hairy in the upper parts. Roots slender, sometimes rhizomatous, or rooting at nodes. Stems erect or decumbent. Leaves lanceolate or spatulate, mostly succulent. The lowest bracts herbaceous, then gradually decreasing to 2‒5 mm, without scarious margins. Inflorescence few- to many-flowered, in terminal or sometimes axillary cymes. Pedicels erect or reflexed in fruit. Sepals ovate to lanceolate, distinct, inner sepals with wide scarious margins, the outer ones without or with narrow scarious margins. Petals 5(‒8) white, slightly to deeply notched. Styles 3 (rarely 4 or 5). Stamens 5‒10. Capsule oblongoid to cylindrical, opening by teeth twice as many as styles, as long as or slightly exceeding the sepals, teeth reclined, patent or circinately revolute. Seeds many, greyish yellow, verrucate. 2n = 36, 38.

     Références : Arabi et al. (2018)
Lectotype : Lectotype (designated by Ikonnikov 1973): Dichodon dubius (Bastard 1812: 24) Ikonnikov (1973: 141) [synonym of D. viscidus (M.Bieb.) Holub (1974:273)].

     Références : Arabi et al. (2018)


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