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[ Mot de passe perdu ]

Gleichenia longipinnata Hook., 1844

accepté comme Sticherus longipinnatus (Hook.) Ching, 1940


Date de publication : Sp. Fil., 1: 9-10. 1844 [03/1844, fide TL-2, 3010].
Type : "Hab. Surinam, Dr. Hostmann, n. 238.-My solitary specimen of this is confined to the upper portion of a stipes with a twice-forked frond [...]." [protologue].
Suriname, F.W.R. Hostmann 238 (HT: [ex hb. Hook.]; IT: B200139886, B200123842 [ex hb. Mettenius], BM000585933, BM000585934 ["holotype"], FI004535, K000589333 [ex hb. Hook.], K000589334 [ex hb. Benth.], K000589335 [ex hb. Hook.], NY00144757, NY00144758, U0007396, US00065692, US00714577).


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