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Machaerium macrophyllum var. brevialatum Rudd, 1972


Date de publication : Phytologia, 24(2): 122. 1972 [26/09/1972].
Distribution : Taxon essentiellement confiné à la basse Amazonie et à la région de l'embouchure de l'Amazone, ponctuellement jusqu'au Rondônia au sud et au bassin de l'Oyapock au nord; essentiellement (exclusivement?) ripicole (Rudd 1987, GBIF).
Statut biogéographique : En Guyane française, taxon apparemment confiné au bassin de l'Oyapock: îlets Yacarescin, Oldeman 1710 (US00653869 [det. V.E. Rudd, 06/1987]); rive gauche du Yaroupi, environ 1 km en amont du saut Tainoua, 22/04/1970, fruits plats, R.A.A Oldeman B-3052, CAY007307, P06894259 [M. macrophyllum var. brevialatum Rudd, det. G. Léotard, 16/05/2019; M. cf. macrophyllum, det. F. Crozier, 2000]); Trois Sauts, forêt ripicole, 06/04/1976, C. Sastre 4703 (CAY007807 [M. cf. macrophyllum, det. F. Crozier, 2000]).
Type : "A varietate typica floribus majusculis differt, legumine reniformi cum ala terminali abbreviata. Type: R. Fróes 20410, Brazil, Pará, Rio Guamá, 16 Jan. 1945 (holotype US.2266042; isotypes IAN, NY). Examination of the holotype as well as modern collections of typical M. macrophyllum has shown that variety to have flowers about 5-8 mm. long and fruit with a terminal wing 5-6 cm. long and 1.5-2 cm. wide. I am indebted to the collection, Pires 530 [NY01461315], from Vaupés, Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil, for the information that the fruit of M. macrophyllum Benth. var. macrophyllum has a long wing, quite unlike the reniform, short-winged pods of var. brevialatum. All other collections I have seen are in flower." [protologue].
Brésil, Pará, Rio Guamá, 16/01/1945, fruits, R. de Lemos Fróes 20410 (HT: US00002424; IT: IAN, NY00016238 [fruits]).


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