Type : "Habitat in Brasiliae prov. do Alto Amazonas, pr. San Gabriel do Cachoeira: Spruce n. 2159; pr. Panurè ad Rio Uaupès: Spruce n. 2854." [protologue].
Brésil, Amazonas, Rio Negro, chutes de São Gabriel da Cachoeira, igapó,
03/1852, fleurs staminées. "Bulky twigs 2 inches thick - bark black shining. I was
prevented by legions of ants from reaching its origin &
ascertaining if it was parasitical." Fleurs blanches, pétales vert à la
base, face supérieure viscide. R. Spruce 2159 (LT:
GH00067420 [désigné par B.E. Hammel, Novon 9:
352. 1999]; ILT:
BM001125238, GOET [photo: A, MO],
K000488486 [ex hb. Benth.; "Lectotype" scrips. Basset Maguire 10/1956, ined.?],
K001071394 [ex hb. Hook.],
MPU014297 [ex hb. Planchon],
Brésil, Amazonas, Rio Vaupès, Panuré, rochers le long des chutes, 12/1852, fleurs. "Frutex epiphytus volubilis lactescens. Flores albi. Differs from 2159 in form of leaf - apiculus, but
perhaps not specifically." R. Spruce 2854 (ST:
BR0000008676313 [ex hb. Mart.],
K000488487 [ex hb. Benth.],
K001071395 [ex hb. Hook.],