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Aciotis pendulifolia (Bonpl.) Triana, 1872

accepté comme Nepsera aquatica (Aubl.) Naudin, 1850


Date de publication : Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 28(1): 52. 1871 [08/12/1871-13/01/1872, fide TL-2, 15144].
Taxonomie : Voir Cogn., Monogr. Phan., 7: 311. 06/1891. D'après Freire-Fierro (Syst. Bot. Monogr., 62: 80. 2002): "According to the protologue and original plate, the type has stems with short trichomes, serrate-crenulate leaves, and small, white, and pentamerous flowers. Candolle (1828) states that this species has five sepals, ten stamens, and three locules; therefore it could belong to another genus of Melastomataceae but not Aciotis."


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