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Miconia sciaphila Judd & Ionta, 2018


Distribution : Porto Rico, Saba, Montserrat, St.-Kitts et Nevis, Guadeloupe, Dominique, Martinique, Ste.-Lucie; Trinidad?? (Judd et al. 2018).
Taxonomie : D'après Judd et al. (2018): "The species is rather variable morphologically, and especially some of the collections from Martinique and Guadeloupe have a rather distinctive indumentum of globular-stellate to elongate, many-branched hairs (likely derived from Sagraea-type hairs, through the proliferation of non-glandular branches), instead of the more commonly encountered short to elongate, unbranched or distally, poorly branched hairs with bullate cells. These collections are indicated by an asterisk in the specimens examined, and such plants occasionally have been considered as specifically distinct (see de Candolle 1828; Naudin 1852; Triana 1871). A few intermediate collections, however, have been seen (e.g., Stehlé 1394, NY) and we tentatively consider Clidemia latifolia (Desr.) DC. to be conspecific with the species here considered as Miconia sciaphila (in agreement with Howard 1989; Michelangeli & Bécquer 2012)."
Type : Nom de remplacement pour Melastoma umbrosum Sw. 1788 dans le genre Miconia Ruiz & Pav. 1794 [non Miconia umbrosa Cogn. 1887!].


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