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Anthurium patinii R.Hogg, 1875

accepté comme Spathiphyllum patinii N.E.Br., 1878


Date de publication : Gard. Year Book, 1875: 123. 1875.
D'après Tropicos: "Bunting [Mem. New York Bot. Gard., 10(3): 29-30. 1960] accepted Hogg's name as having priority over Anthurium patinii Mast. (24 Apr 1875), despite having been unable to to verify the priority of the former; Bunting's decision is probably correct, because Hogg's (brief) description appeared in a contribution entitled "New plants of 1874" (the type of article that would appear early in the year) and he attributed publication of A. patinii to "G. C. [Gardeners' Chronicle] 1874, ii"; he did not cite a page or figure number, as he did for most other names published in the same journal; therefore, it seems likely that Hogg had gotten wind of Masters's impending publication (perhaps even saw a draft of it) and assumed it would come out in 1874, but it was delayed, for whatever reason, until Apr 1875 (after Hogg's work had been published); technically speaking, the two names are heterotypic."


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