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Gongora nigrita Lindl., 1839


Date de publication : Edwards's Bot. Reg., 25: Misc. 59. 1839.
Statut biogéographique : R. Jenny (in Boggan et al. 1992) indique que la présence de ce taxon dans au Guyana et au Suriname mais pas en Guyane française ["G S"] et considère ultérieurement comme douteuse au Suriname ["GU SU?"] (Jenny in Boggan et al. 1997, Funk et al. 2007).
Type : "This is much the darkest of the Gongoras, the appearance of the flowers being like that of the deepest puce-coloured velvet. It is very nearly the same as G. atropurpurea, but the lower half of the lip is convex not concave, longer than the upper half not shorter, and the horns at its sides are very short. It was imported from Demerara by S. Rucker, Esq. Jun. who informs me that the smell is quite different from that of G. atropurpurea." [protologue].
Guyana, importée par S. Rucker, cultivée (HT: K [ex hb. Lindl.]?).


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