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Cymbidium bituberculatum Hook., 1824

accepté comme Diteilis nervosa (Thunb.) M.A.Clem. & D.L.Jones, 2005


Date de publication : Exot. Fl., 2(13): t. 116. 1824 [08/1824, fide IK].
Orthographe : Publié comme "Cymbidium?"
Type : "A spike and a leaf of this remarkable and rare orchideous plant were most liberally communicated to me in the month of February, from the only individual specimen in the Liverpool Botanic Garden, by my often mentioned friend Mr Shepherd, who sent me at the same time a sketch of the whole plant. To Mr Shepherd, the Cymbidium bituberculatum was given by Mr Jos. Cooper, Botanic Gardener to Lord Milton at Went worth House, Yorkshire, who received it from Nepaul, of which country it is a native, at the hands of Dr Carey, and who has thus the honour of introducing it to our gardens. It flowered with Mr Cooper, for the first time, during the summer of last year." [protologue].
Népal, envoyé par Dr. Carey à Jos. Cooper (jardinier de Lord Milton à Went worth House, Yorkshire, Angleterre), cultivé au jardin botanique de Liverpool, 02/1824, fleurs, Shepherd s.n. (HT: K000387775 [ex hb. Hook.; une inflorescence et une feuille]).


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