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Phyllanthus brasiliensis (Aubl.) Poir., 1804 subsp. brasiliensis


Source de la synonymie (de Phyllanthus pseudoconami Müll.Arg., 1873)
Webster, G. L. 2003. A synopsis of Phyllanthus section Nothoclema (Euphorbiaceae). Lundellia, 6(1): 19-36. [CD_REF = 904749] Phyllanthus brasiliensis (Aubl.) Poir., 1804 subsp. brasiliensis
Source de la synonymie (de Phyllanthus subglomeratus Poir., 1804)
Webster, G. L. 2003. A synopsis of Phyllanthus section Nothoclema (Euphorbiaceae). Lundellia, 6(1): 19-36. [CD_REF = 904749] Phyllanthus brasiliensis (Aubl.) Poir., 1804 subsp. brasiliensis
Statut biogéographique : D'après G.L. Webster (Lundellia, 6(1): 33-34. 2003): "Subspecies brasiliensis is the most widespread taxon in sect. Nothoclema after P. acuminatus, and is the main plant used in South America as a fish poison. Examination of specimens across the Amazon basin has shown that except for southern Ecuador and northern Peru, nearly 100% of the plants in the rest of the distribution produce no fruits and seeds. Apparently most populations of ssp. brasiliensis represent sterile clones that have been cultivated by indigenous peoples in a semi-domesticated state." En Guyane française elle parait essentiellement cultivée comme poison de pêche mais la majorité des étiquettes d'herbier sont confuses sur l'origine des collectes... Potentiellement indigène???


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