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Phyllanthus protoguayanensis Herter, 1939


Date de publication : Revista Sudamer. Bot., 6: 93. 1939.
Distribution : En dehors du type de la montagne de Kaw, ne semble connue que d'une seule autre collecte, identifiée récemment: Guyane Française, basse crique Courouaie (affluent de la basse Approuague), au deuxième camp, zone accidentée, 12/01/1970, fruits. Petit arbre, env. 2,50 m. Ecorce blanche, tachetée de noir. Bois blanc. Fruit vert. Fleur orange. R.A.A. Oldeman B-2713 (CAY074949, CAY074950 [Phyllanthus brasiliensis (Aubl.) Poir. 1804 subsp. brasiliensis, det. M.-F. Prévost, 2006]; Phyllanthus sp., det. W. Punt, 1978], U.1474260 [Phyllanthus aubletianus Radcl.Sm. 2002, det. G.L. Webster, 2005]).
Taxonomie : D'après Lanjouw (Euphorb. Surinam 9-10. 06/07/1931, fide TL-2, 4202): "All the specimens [of Phyllanthus attenuatus Miq. 1848], called Phyllanthus guyanensis Müll. Arg. by Müller, which were looked over (Perrottet and Sagot n. 1399 could not be obtained), are certainly not the same as Aublet's specimen present in the Natural History Museum [i.e. type of Meborea guianensis Aubl. 1775]. The Flowers are not clustered in the leaf-axils with Aublet's specimen, but occur in more or less lax terminal inflorescences (cf. Plate II). Aublet's description of the flowers is rather curious. They are bi-sexual according to him and the filaments and the styles are described to be grown together. "Les étamines sont au nombre de trois; chacun de leurs filets fait corps avec l'extrémité d'un style, au dessous du stigmate. Ces filets sont larges à leur naissance, et se divisent ensuite en deux parties, chargées chacune d'un anthère à deux bourses partagées par un sillon." This statement is probably the result of wrong observations. It is a pity that the specimen from the Nat. Hist. Mus. has not any flowers left. There are still some fruits which may be three-celled. Some cocci which have split up, have been stuck next to the plant. They certainly belong to an Euphorbiaceae. The leaves are also completely different. The Phyllanthus attenuatus leaves are smaller and more cuspidate-acuminate. There is also much difference in the nervature, the nerves, especially the secundary ones, are more prominent with Aublet's plant. Whether Aublet's plant is a genuine Phyllanthus is very difficult to say, and must be left undecided. It is at any rate not the same as Miquel's attenuatus."
Taxonomie : D'après Howard (J. Arnold Arb. 64(2): 275. 08/04/1983, fide sommaire): "According to Grady Webster (pers. comm.), "The plant seems definitely Euphorbiaceous and probably belongs in the tribe Phyllantheae, but may not belong in Phyllanthus Apparently it has never been re-collected, and until it is the mystery will apparently continue.""
D'après G.L. Webster (2002): "Müller (1866, 1873) also created confusion when he mistakenly identified the type species, Phyllanthus attenuatus Miq., with Aublet’s Meborea guianensis; Lanjouw (1931) indicated P. attenuatus is very distinct from Meborea. The pollen grains with pilate ornamentation separate sect. Hylaeanthus from sect. Brachycladus, to which Meborea apparently belongs."
D'après G.L. Webster (Novon, 12(2): 293. 2002): "Müller (1866, 1873) created much of the confusion with regards to the new section Hylaeanthus when he mistakenly identified the type species, Phyllanthus attenuatus Miquel, with P. aubletianus Radcliffe-Smith (2001; name replacing Meborea guianensis Aublet). The affinities of Aublet's Meborea remain uncertain, but it seems possibly a species of section Brachycladus."
D'après G.L. Webster (Lundellia, 7(1): 17. 2004): "Phyllanthus attenuatus is the commonest and most widespread species in sect. Hylaeanthus, but due to a mistaken identification by Müller (1866, 1873) it was for nearly a century erroneously considered to be the plant that Aublet described as Meborea guianensis. Lanjouw (1931) pointed out the error, but was undecided as to the affinities of Meborea. Radcliffe-Smith (2001) has correctly placed Meborea guianensis Aubl. in Phyllanthus as P. aubletianus Radcl.-Sm.; that species apparently belongs to Phyllanthus sect. Elutanthos (subgenus Xylophylla)."
Type : D'après WCSP, nom de remplacement pour Meborea guianensis Aubl. 1775 dans le genre Phyllanthus L. 1753 [non P. guianensis Klotzsch, London J. Bot., 2(1): 51. 01/1843!].


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