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Manihot flexuosa Pax & K.Hoffm., 1924

accepté comme Manihot esculenta Crantz, 1766 subsp. esculenta


Date de publication : Pflanzenr. IV. 147 XVII(Heft 85): 195. 1924 [16/05/1924, fide TL-2, 1713, p. 790].
Taxonomie : D'après Allem (1994): "In reducing M. flexuosa to the synonymy of M. esculenta the author [Allem!] followed Rogers and Appan (1973). M. flexuosa, as it stands, may be many things, including M. glaziovii Muell. Arg. The type has only leaves, which precludes a definitive judgement."
Type : "Brasilien: Bahia, Casa de Pedro (v. Lützelburg n. 9!), S. Bento (v. Lützelburg n. 10!)." [protologue].
Brésil, Bahia, Casa de Pedro, 1911-1912, P. von Lützelburg 9 (ST: M0233262, M0233263 ["9A"; photo: F neg. 19505]).
Brésil, Bahia, S. Bento, 1911-1912, P. von Lützelburg 10 (ST: M0233264, NY00263625 [ex M]).
Allem (Genet. Resources Crop Evol., 41(3): 143. 1994) indique: "Type: Luetzelburg 9A (S)."


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