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Cerinthe longiflora Viv., 1830

accepté comme


Statut biogéographique : Cerinthe longiflora Viv., described from the the island of Tavolara (Sardinia) and sometimes considered a synonym of C. tenuiflora, is an ambiguous name but should be probably referred to C. major, based on morphological description and habitat (Greuter & al., 1984).
     Références : Selvi et al. (2009)
Synonymie : Cerinthe longiflora Viv., described from the the island of Tavolara (Sardinia) and sometimes considered a synonym of C. tenuiflora, is an ambiguous name but should be probably referred to C. major, based on morphological description and habitat (Greuter & al., 1984)
     Références : Selvi et al. (2009)


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