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Caraipa myrciifolia Spruce ex Benth., 1860

accepté comme Caraipa densifolia Mart., 1826 subsp. densifolia


Date de publication : J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot., 5: 62. 1861 [1861 publ. 1860 fide IK].
Type : "C. fasciculata [...]. I am inclined to unite with this species [...] Mr. Spruce's collection n. 2515, distributed as C. myrciaefolia, sp. n., a tree sometimes 70 feet high in the gapó of the Rio Uaupès, an affluent of the Rio Negro [...]." [protologue].
Brésil, Amazonas, pr. Panuré (rio Vaupès), igapo, 10/1852-01/1853, fleurs. Tree sometimes 70 feet high. R. Spruce 2515 ("HT": K [ex hb. Benth.]; "IT": S10-6524, S-R-907).


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