Commentaires de l'auteur : D'après Setten & Maas (Taxon, 39(4):
677. 1990): "Aublet's
Waria is apparently an orthographic variant of
Uvaria Linnaeus as he directly referred in his species description of
Waria zeylanica to Linnaeus's original protologue in Species Plantarum (1753: 756).
Aublet's species is based on material seen by him near Timoutou, French Guiana: "J'ai trouvé cet arbre dans les forêts de la Guiane, et surtout dans celles de Timoutou". Fries (1930: 109) interpreted Aublet's plate 243 of
Waria zeylanica as
Xylopia aromatica. From that species it strongly differs, however, in fruit and leaf characters. Although no original material seems to be extant (cf. Howard, 1983: 291) we judge from the plate that the species agrees fairly well with
Xylopia nitida Dunal."