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Patonia Wight, 1838

accepté comme Xylopia sect. Stenoxylopia Engl. & Diels, 1901


Date de publication : Ill. Ind. Bot. 1: 18-19. 1838 [1840 fide TL-2, 17579].
Type : Patonia parvifolia Wight 1838 [≡ Xylopia parvifolia (Wight) Hook.f. & Thompson 1855 [nom. illeg. hom.], non Schltdl 1834, ≡ X. patoniae I.M.Turner 2011; lectotype désigné par Setten & Maas, Taxon, 39(4): 677. 1990] (Sri Lanka).
D'après Johnson & Murray (2011): "Patonia Wight (Wight 1838) is usually treated as a generic synonym of Xylopia (van Setten and Maas 1990, Turner 2011). In his generic description, however, Wight explicitly described and mentioned an apical ovule and seed, and a calyx that grows up to cover the maturing fruit. These are characters of Diospyros, not of Annonaceae. We suggest that Hiern was correct in adopting the name Patonia as a synonym of Diospyros and that Patonia walkeri Wight should be its type, as the lectotype designated is in conflict with the generic protologue. Patonia parvifolia, the other species placed in the genus when it was proposed, is a Xylopia, now re-named Xylopia patoniae I. M. Turner for nomenclatural reasons (Turner 2011)."


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