Validité : nom. inval. : proposé comme un nom alernatif pour Erythraea ramosissima Pers.
Druce accepted Erythraea ramosissima Pers. and proposed Centaurion
pulchellum (Sw,) Druce for the same species [Protologue: If Adanson's
genus (Centaurion) be adopted, our plants will be Centaurion Centaurium
and Centaurion pulchellum (Centaurium inapertum), Rafin. Danm. Fl. ii.
77 (1800).] Since only the name C. pulchellum was proposed anew, the
Melbourne Code Art. 36.2 does not apply, and C. pulchellum cannot be
taken as an alternative name to E. ramosissima. (IPNI)