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Pseudobombax amapaense A.Robyns, 1967

accepté comme Pseudobombax munguba (Mart.) Dugand, 1952


Date de publication : Mem. New York Bot. Gard., 17(1): 195. 1967.
Taxonomie : D'après Carvalho-Sobrinho & Dorr (2017): "The characters (tree height and pubescence of staminal tubes) used by Robyns (1967) to segregate P. amapaense do not permit it to be distinguished from P. munguba based on a more comprehensive sampling in the field and in herbarium collections. Previously, phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences were interpreted as supporting the accessions examined of these two taxa as sister groups (Carvalho-Sobrinho et al. 2016: fig. 2), but we now consider P. amapaense to be a synonym of P. munguba on the basis of combined morphological and molecular evidence."
Type : Brésil, Amapá, rio Jari, near Cachoeira Miriti, 00°41’N//53°06’W, 180 m, common, 25/08/1961, fleurs et fruits. Defoliated tree 8 m tall at edge of river. Calyx red, corolla and anthers yellowish white, fruit brown-red. W.A. Egler & H.S. Irwin 46673 (HT: NY00133605, NY00133606, NY00133607).


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