Type : "(v. in hb. Kunth et Spreng.) Habitat in Cayenne (Martin)." [protologue].
Guyane française ["Cayenne"], fruits, J. Martin s.n. (HT: B [ex hb. Kunth & Spreng., détruit]; IT: non localisé).
D'après McVaugh (Mem. New York Bot. Gard., 18(2): 218. 1969): "Presumably the specimens cited by Berg have been destroyed; I have not located any duplicates. The species was assigned by Berg to his "Racemulosae"; it was described as having "rufo-sericeis" pubescence, coriaceous acuminate leaves with midvein sulcate above, short but evident few-flowered racemes from leafless nodes, fruiting pedicels probably 4 mm long [2'''], and shorter than the rachilla, calyx-lobes rotund, connivent, rufo-sericeous, persistent on the obversely oblong fruit. I cannot identify this with any other known species unless it be
Eugenia brownsbergii Amsh."
En conséquence
Flora do Brasil 2020 traite formellement (et illégitimement) ce nom comme synonyme de
Eugenia brownsbergii Amshoff 1950!