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Tibouchina fothergillae x Tibouchina urvilleana

accepté comme Pleroma fothergillae x Pleroma urvilleanum


Statut biogéographique : Arbuste ornemental, vraisemblablement hybride horticole récent (espèces parentales sud‐brésiliennes), largement cultivé en Guyane (et au Brésil!) où il ne montre pas de signes d'autonomie (Léotard & Chaline 2013).
Taxonomie : Identification problématique. D'après Léotard & Chaline (2013): "D'après mes observations (comparaison de nombreux échantillons d'herbiers historiques, études des diagnoses, et de certains types...) semble être un hybride ornemental créé récemment entre deux espèces de Tibouchina largement cultivées [Tibouchina fothergillae (DC.) Cogn. x T. urvilleana (DC.) Cogn.]."
Fabricio Schimtz Meyer, spécialiste du genre, arrive à cette même conclusion (comm.pers., 28/06/2013): "The plant you want to identify is also a stone in my shoe. It is cultivated in some parts of Brazil, and here in Curitiba, the city where I live is quite common. In taxonomic study for the state of Paraná (annex) I ended up including these specimens under Tibouchina fothergillae, but knew that this was a cultivar, and then my advisor found more convenient to treat this way. To confirm repair of connective appendages that have sparse or only 1 or 2 glandular trichomes in some of the stamens of the larger cycle (opposite the sepals). I believe that this has morpho hybrid origin between Tibouchina fothergillae and Tibouchina urvilleana, which are quite grown as ornamental and can often even be mistaken for growers. My observation is based solely on morphology, but this really should be better investigated. It is quite likely that this form has not yet been named, but need time to investigate it."


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