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Melastoma heteromallum D.Don, 1822

accepté comme Pleroma heteromallum (D.Don) D.Don, 1823


Date de publication : Bot. Reg., 8: t. 644. 1822 [01/08/1822].
Orthographe : Décrit comme "Melastoma heteromalla" orth. var.: Melastoma est neutre (Almeda 1999; voir aussi Code Melbourne Art. 62.2c).
Type : "A very handsome unrecorded species, introduced from the Brazils in 1819. Said to have first flowered in the Duke of Northumberland's garden at Sion House, and since in many collections about town. The drawing was taken at the garden of the Horticultural Society, Hammersmith, where the plant is cultivated in the stove." [protologue].
Brésil, Riedel s.n. (LT: t. 644 in Bot. Reg., 8: 1822 [désigné par Guimarães et al., Taxon, 68(5): 981. 30/12/2019]; IT/LT??: K000329034 [désigné par?]).


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