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Platonia insignis var. formosa R.E.Schult., 1955

accepté comme Platonia insignis Mart., 1832


Date de publication : Bot. Mus. Leafl. 17(1): 18-19, pl. 9. 1955.
Type : Colombie, Vaupés, Río Piraparaná (tributary of Río Apaporis), Raudal Guá-kö-nö-ta, 00°15'S-00°25'N 70°30-50'W, 04/09/1952, fleurs. Flowers rose-red. On sand at river's edge. Latex yellow. Stamens brightyellow. Makuna = gö-hé-ree-ka; Puinave = kö. R.E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 17168 (HT: GH).
Colombie, Vaupés, Río Piraparaná (tributary of Río Apaporis), Raudal de la Olla, 28/08/1952, fleurs. Tree 25 m. Columnar. Bark grey-brown, rough with scales. Flowers salmon-pink. Petals curl out at edge. Receptacle thick, same colour. Latex cream-coloured. On rocks at falls. Crown not large. Tanimuka. = oo-ká-o-ree-ke; Yukuna = he-pé-la. R.E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 17062 (PT: GH?).
Colombie, Vaupés, Río Piraparaná (tributary of Río Apaporis), Raudal Koro, 30/08/1952,  fleurs. Same as 17062, but flowers lighter salmon and wings of petals pale violet. Latex yellow. Tall tree. R.E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 17089 (PT: GH?).
Colombie, Vaupés, Río Vaupés, entre Mitu et Javarete, Araracachivera, 14-24/05/1953, fleurs. Low tree. Latex yellow. Flowers salmon-pink. Pedicel fleshy. R.E. Schultes & I. Cabrera 19395 (PT: GH?).


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