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Anthaenantia P.Beauv., 1812

accepté comme Anthenantia P.Beauv., 1812


Orthographe : as "Anthaenantia" on p. 48, as "Anthenanthia" on p. 151, as "Anthnantia" on expl. t. 10. Anthenantia is the etymologically correct version of the three alternative spellings used by Palisot de Beauvois (Clayton and Renvoize, Kew Bull., Addit. Ser. 13: 300. 1986). From Melanie Schori, USDA, email 7 Feb 2017: While more publications have used the spelling Anthaenantia than Anthenantia, both spellings are in use and there are no proposals to conserve the incorrect Anthaenantia over Anthenantia. The correct orthography is Anthenantia, which is listed in the figure legend for the associated illustration of the genus. The first part of the name is derived from "anthos," which does not have a final "a" and should not terminate with a vowel before the suffix "enantia," which is derived from "enantios," meaning opposite, not from "enathos" meaning contrary as listed on p. 384 of volume 25 of Flora of North America. There is no Greek word "enathos." Palisot de Beauvois' protologue states “De άνθέω, Floreo; έναντίως, Contrariè.” (Tropicos)


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