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[ Mot de passe perdu ]

Periclistia longifolia Benth., 1841

accepté comme Paypayrola guianensis Aubl., 1775


Date de publication : J. Bot. (Hooker) 4: 109. 1841 [07/1841, fide TL-2, 3004].
Identification : Considérée (sur quelle base?) comme synonyme de Paypayrola guianensis Aubl. 1775 par le GBIF.
Type : "Amongst the plants collected by Martin in French Guiana, are specimens of two species, one of which has been referred, in a set received by Sir. W. J. Hooker from Mr Lambert, to the Paypayrola of Aublet." [protologue].
Guyane française, J. Martin s.n. (HT: BM?).


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