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Lindsaea nana A.Rojas, 2017


Distribution : Known from Colombia, Venezuela, Guayana, Suriname and Brazil at 150-250 (-900) m (Rojas-Alvarado 2017).
Statut biogéographique : Selon Cremers & Boudrie (2006), Lindsaea lancea var. remota (Kunze) K.U.Kramer 1957 est connue de Guyane française seulement par un spécimen: Leprieur 14 (P00328099).
Type : Colombie, Amazonas, 8 km SW of the confluence of Oso river with Caquetá, 01°11’S, 71°38’W, 150-250 m, 29/05/1998, H. Tuomisto et al. 12538 (HT: COAH).
D'après Rojas-Alvarado (2017): "Kunze (1848) published it taxa as a varietal of Lindsaea pumila Klotzsch probably based in the small plants with 1-pinnate blade, but L. pumila has linear and narrower blade with small pinnae base, probably more related to L. cubensis Underw. & Maxon and L. parkeri (Hook.) Kuhn. Also the name L. pumila was used by Hooker (1867). After that, Kramer (1957) include this taxa as a varietal of L. lancea (L.) Bedd., but it is more related to L. leprieurii Hook. and L. falcata Dryand., two species with lanceolate and broader blades with an hastate to subconform apex. Also Kramer (1957) included as synonym of these taxa to L. pusilla Splitgerber, but this species is really synonym of the typical L. pumila (var. pumila), for these reasons here is preferred to describe as a new species."


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