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[ Mot de passe perdu ]

Brignolia acuminata DC., 1830

accepté comme Isertia parviflora Vahl, 1798


Source de la synonymie
Boom, B. M. 1984. A revision of Isertia (Isertieae: Rubiaceae).Brittonia, 36(4): 425-454. [CD_REF = 734780] Isertia parviflora Vahl, 1798
Date de publication : Prodr. 4: 444. 1830 [fin 09/1830, fide TL-2, 999].
Type : "in insulâ Trinitatis legit cl. Lockhart. [...] (v. s. comm. à cl. Hooker.)" [protologue].
Trinidad, 1828, D. Lockhart s.n. (HT: G-DEL [photo: F neg. 33727; fragment: F0068586F]; IT: GH, K, NY00130955).
Validité : D'après Tropicos: "This epithet is validly published and legitimate, but the genus in which is was published is an illegitimate name, thus this name is not correct as a species name. It is not technically illegitimate, but is marked with an asterisk * to indicate it has a nomenclatural problem."


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